Friday, April 6, 2012

TUTORIAL: Hard Reset your Samsung Galaxy Y

 Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 Reset ButtonWhat does a hard reset really means? it means to reset your phone to the settings and features which were accompanied from the company or at firmware update instant.

This process is useful if you experience some lag, frozen, hang or unresponsive issues. This is not advisable on some part, for it will wipe and delete all data stored from your Samsung Galaxy Y, so just ensure to make a back-up copy of all of the important files you had on your device.

Here's the procedure on how to restore back or hard reset the Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 to it's original factory default settings.
Firstly you have a most common way that is a combo of keys to reboot mobile phone into rom settings!

i.e. just power off the mobile phone, restart it by holding volume down + call + end call! then it will take you to recovery screen where you can switch to home tab for factory reset.


If that doesn't work, or if your phone is frozen:

1. Turn the power off. If your Samsung Galaxy is frozen, pull the battery out and reinsert it
2. Hold the Volume Down button
3. Press and release the Power button
4. You are now presented with a menu that allows for Fastbook, Recovery, Clear Storage, and Simlock
5. Select Clear Storage by pressing the Volume Down button
6. Press and release the Power button
7. Now simply confirm your decision: Volume Up for YES and Volume Down for NO
If you selected YES, all data including third-party applications will be deleted from the Samsung Galaxy. Once the wipe is complete, the phone will reboot to its factory fresh state.

Another simple way to achieve hard reset is entering *2767*3855# in dial-pad and hit dial! this will help definitely!


  1. greetings to the maker of this rom for galaxy y,ive tried already all rom for sgy,but this is the one that i really like it,but i have suggestion to you,the icons is black and white,and the keyboard cant change the layout.i dont want the querty keyboard,i like the usual cp keaboard,but ain general,i really like your rom.thank for your sharing youre skills.ill wait for your rply regarding on the keyboard and the icons

  2. hi naoman. i dont own these roms i just collect it from forums all over the net. most of them came from here.


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